We pay attention
It is reassuring to know that there is a place that you can go to get some answers about your condition, have a complete physical & biomechanical assessment performed and have the chance to review your treatment options
During the assessment the following areas are addressed:
- Demographics
- Medical History
- Symptoms
- Goals
- Physical Condition
- Static Alignment
- Dynamic Movement Patterns
- Observational Gait Analysis
- Relevant Clinical Tests
Important Dialogue
The assessment is typically wrapped up with a dialogue between the clinician and patient that results in an orthotic or prosthetic treatment plan. At Sudbury Prosthetic & Orthotic Design we feel it is very important to involve the patient in the decisions regarding their treatment and the type of device we will design. Furthermore, it is a fluid and dynamic process that can evolve as challenges arise along the way. We strive to be flexible within the treatment plan agreed upon and we ultimately always aim for complete patient satisfaction.
Referrals in advance not mandatory
And to keep it even simpler for you, it is not necessary to have a referral to meet with a Certified Orthotist or a Certified Prosthetist. However, in order to pursue orthotic or prosthetic treatment, you will require a prescription. This can usually be obtained from your family doctor or your specialist. So, call now and find out what else is out there!

Tel 705-670-9990
Fax 705.670.9993